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A smile, even with a stranger, can be a creative way to "heal with love." There have been times in my life when I felt completely down and out, thinking no one cared about me or at worst, gloated because I was miserable. At those times, a smile from another person, especially a stranger, can be so healing! A stranger is not involved in the drama that might make one feel depressed, and so it can be seen as "more objective." Now the love of, an in a smile, which helped heal me, has caused me to want to heal others in that way. Love is expansive! Sometimes I pick out a person to smile at, knowing they might not react in a positive way; a smile back, less of a frown, a lighter look and stride, etc. Have no doubt! Love is Reality and Reality is God. That smile, and the love behind it is eternal, just like God. God is Love. When time ends for us, God will be there, in eternity, as He / She is now; waiting for us to drop all dreams and illusions so we can return to our Source. This installment of Love Heals has been so positive! Thank you Kaye and Larry!

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